Feline Vaccines:
• Purevax
Purevax helps cats against a number of diseases including rabies, feline leukemia (FeLV), panleukopenia and pathogens that can cause respiratory disease in cats.
The family of PUREVAX vaccines induce an effective immune response without the use of adjuvants that can present potential risks to cats.
Purevax is designed for cats and kittens without the use of adjuvants.
An adjuvant is a substance that is added to a vaccine to enhance the body's immune response to the vaccine. Adjuvants have been associated with injection site reaction, injection site granuloma, and chronic inflammation in cats.
• Rabies
Rabies is a virus that affects the central nervous system of animals. It is extremely important that this vaccine be given, and rabies vaccines are required by law in most states and provinces. The virus is contagious and also zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted to other animals and humans by the bite of an infected animal. Rabies affects more cats than dogs in the United States, and is fatal if not treated before symptoms appear. Vaccinating your pet for rabies not only protects your pet but you and your family as well.
• Feline Distemper
Feline distemper is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the feline panleukopenia virus. Because it is so widespread in the environment--infected cats release the virus in their urine, feces and nasal secretions--virtually all cats will be exposed to it at some point in their lives. Feline distempter is especially harmful to young kittens. We consider the Feline distemper vaccine to be a core vaccine recommended for every cat, regardless if they live indoor or outdoor.
• Feline Leukemia (FeLV)
The feline leukemia virus is a common infectious disease that only infects cats, and is ultimately fatal. The virus commonly causes anemia or lymphoma as it greatly suppresses the immune system (therefore making your cat extremely vulnerable to other deadly infections). Feline leukemia is passed from one cat to another through the exchange of bodily fluids, and even from apparent healthy cats who are infected. Therefore, we recommend preventing infection with FeLV through vaccination.
Feline Flea & Tick Preventatives:
• Bravecto
Bravecto is a fast-acting flea and tick protection for cats that is easy for pet owners to administer. Flea and tick prevention lasts up to 12-weeks with a single dose.
• Seresto Collar
Seresto is an easy-to-use, non-greasy and odorless collar that quickly kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months.
• Revolution
Revolution is a 5-in-1, easy to administer monthly topical protection for cats that treats and controls fleas, heartworm, roundworm, hookworm and ear mites.
Canine Vaccines:
• Rabies
Rabies is a virus that affects the central nervous system of animals. It is extremely important that this vaccine be given and rabies vaccines are also required by law in most states and provinces. The virus is contagious and also zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted to other animals and humans by the bite of an infected animal. and is fatal if not treated before symptoms appear. Vaccinating your pet for rabies not only protects your pet but you and your family as well.
• Canine Distemper
Canine distemper is a contagious viral disease caused by the paramyxovirus virus. It attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous system of puppies and adult dogs. Like feline distemper, it is widespread in the environment due to it's ease of transmission of airborne exposure (through sneezing or coughing) from an infected dog or wild animal (the virus can also be found in common wildlife). All dogs are at risk, especially puppies under four months old and adult dogs who have not been vaccinated against canine distemper. Canine distemper is often fatal, therefore we recommend this crucial core vaccine to puppies and an immunization schedule as your puppy grows.
• Leptospirosis
Lepto is a disease caused by leptospira bacteria and is currently one of the most common zoonotic diseases in the world. It can be transmitted from animals to people and is typically carried by common wildlife, making it extremely common in the environment around us. We highly recommend the Leptospirosis vaccine for any dog that commonly goes outside.
• Lyme
The lyme vaccine helps prevent lyme disease in dogs, a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks. We have an extremely high risk of exposure to lyme disease in the Northeastern United States, though dogs who test positive for lyme disease come from all over the US. Dogs that spend a significant time outside, especially to wooded areas are at the highest risk of exposure.
• K9 Influenza (CIV)
The canine influenza virus or, dog flue, is a highly contagious respiratory infection that spreads among dogs. There are two influenza strains currently in the US in which almost all dogs exposed become infected to either. The canine influenza virus is very easy to transmit and is done so through respiratory secretions (sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge) and contaminated objects like kennels, food and water bowls, collars, leashes and on clothing and skin of people who come into contact with infected dogs. Infections may occur year round and almost all dogs exposed to the virus will contract the disease, so it is important vaccination against canine flu should be considered.
• Bordetella
Bordetella bronchiseptica is the most common bacteria responsible for kennel cough in dogs. Kennel cough is a common name for a highly contagious respiratory disease typically contracted at places where large amounts of canines congregate, such as boarding kennels and dog daycare facilities. The vaccine is most often required at these facilities since the disease is very easily spread from dog to dog through respiratory secretions and through contaminated surfaces like food and water bowls, toys and kennel runs. While kennel cough is not fatal, the disease can lead to fatal bronchopneumonia in younger dogs, especially puppies and chronic bronchitis in senior dogs.
Canine Preventatives:
Heartworm Prevention:
• ProHeart 12
ProHeart 12 is the only FDA-approved product that prevents heartworm disease in dogs for 1 full year with just 1 shot given by your vet. At the time of the shot, ProHeart 12 also treats hookworms.* ProHeart 12 is for use in healthy dogs 12 months of age and older.
• Heartgard Plus
Heartgard Plus is a monthly oral pet med used as a combination heartworm preventive and intestinal wormer.
- Protect your dog from potentially deadly heartworm disease
- Treat and control hookworms and roundworms (which can cause disease in both pets and people)
• Sentinel Spectrum Chews
Given monthly, Sentinel Spectrum prevents heartworms and prevents and controls fleas. Each chew also treats and controls whipworms, hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms.
• Nexgard
Nexgard is a monthly, bite-sized chewable that kills fleas and ticks fast. It also helps prevent infections that cause Lyme disease by killing black-legged ticks.
• Bravecto
Bravecto is a fast-acting flea and tick chew for dogs that is easy for pet owners to administer. Flea and tick prevention lasts up to 12-weeks with a single dose.
• Seresto Collar
Seresto is an easy-to-use, odorless collar that kills and repels ticks and fleas for 8 months. The collar also aids in the control of sarcoptic mange and also kills lice.
• Provecta
Provecta repels and kills ticks, fleas and mosquitos in a once-a-month topical application.